Friday, October 29, 2010

Waiting to Go Trick or Treating.... Halloween Eve......
Our Family full of Vampirers....
Lillee decided that she was going to be a Vampirer Princess Bat
So I made her some Wings to go with her costume...
Than of course she needed a Crown
She had a Bawl letting me paint her face and make her
Really come to Life...
Audree LoVes playing the role of whatever
she is protraying that is for s

Audree loves playuing the role of whatever
she is protraying...
She to has a good time letting my imaganiation just go
and letting me put makeup on her
I just let my hand kind of flow
and this was the result
She loved it...
For Audree I Like the fact
That I get to dress her up for School and
for halloween this year we celebrated
Halloween on the 30th of Oct
Due to respect for the Sunday
Here in Utah
Pictures our out of order I am sorry
Still just trying to get a hold of this blogging
I enjoy blogging that is for sure
I love the fact I will be able to
come here and see what I journaled
When I get around to scrapbooking this year 2010
Erik and I Erik had this costume from years back
it still fit he said laughing....
I thought he looked very handsome as my knight...
He agreed that he would wear if I dressed up to
Well I wasn't planing on it due to lack of funds...
But with some fabric in the garage some old clothes I threw this getup together....
Here is Ivee Going Trick or Treating
Even though it was cold and raining outside
She was such a trooper really wanted to be apart of the action
Lillee not so much she was cold and rather
be with Grandma & Grandpa Bock
We hit all the houses pretty much
in my mom's neighborhood
LoVe Trick or Treating there
Ivee would go up to the door and just wait for the kids to say
Trick or Treat and than she would
look cautionsouly around and wait for daddy
We had a great time trick or treating
Adults that went
Erik and I
My Sister Misty
So it was our girls & my sisters Kids

Ivee royal carriage
Funny thing
She got tired flapping her wings
So Thanx to the stroller
and the knight
being a good sport
and pushing it
Ivee's little hands and her nose
was bright red
but she didn't let that bother her at all

Halloween is my all time faviorte Holiday
I love everything about it
Ghouls Goblins Ghost Vampires
I like the Cute Stuff
Not the Blood and Gore
I can do without that
Funny thing about me
and Erik we Love the holiday
But we really dont care for the Horror Movies
Erik likes to watch the pretty intense movies
me on the other hand
Lets just say if I can figure the plot of the movie
It isn't interesting anymore
So I just don't do Horror
Cause Usually you can figure out what is going to happen
and sometimes it is like
really why did I watch this
My Mom on the other hand
She LoVes Those kind of movies
Now SCI FI Different story
Here is the Goof Bunch group
We don't get Brooke on halloween
She usually goes with her Best Friend
Oh How I cant wait for Next Halloween
Were all going as.....
Thought I was going spill the Beans.....
Nah You will just have to wait and see
I will say one thing we let a big bucket of candy outside
and was totally impressed to come home to an empty Bucket...
Audree's School Parade
Audree Kamille Vampirer Princess.... Woke up early in the morning to do her hair and Makeup before I knew it .... Did it really take an Hour to do this all.... Before I knew it we had to be out the door dressed and ready to parade around her school... Thank goodness My mom had taken Lillee for the night so I could get Audree ready...and Ivee and myself...

Audree was truely playing the part..... That is what I LoVe about her so much... she is truely different and doesn't care what people think of her... it is in her nature to not care about others and there negativity... She cares how others our feeling....
She cares about others that is for sure
She is herself and I am very proud of her
sometimes I have to tell myself
she is a kid and kids do that
and if they don't well there missing out....

In her Classroom they had a Game that they had to draw a pumpkin and her classmates had to guess Who am I ? when I looked on the board I knew exactly which one was Audree's.... Way stinkin Cute...

Ivee was talking to everyone in the hall saying Hi..... Which isn't like her at all... I don't know if
she was just scared or if she was really having fun.... It is hard to tell with her sometimes... IN the classroom she couldn't wait to get out of the stroller and give her sister a big hug... They our the best of friends...

Audree was the first to get the bean bag into the Haunted House.... First Try the lady
in charge chuckled and said You don't play sports at your house do YOU... I said that just wouldn't be the Thomas family if we didn't....

AweSome Fantastic Job on the Haunted House... We have alot of Creative people in our neighborhood and school.... Were truely lucky to have such a Group

Audree at the decorating Cookie center....
She had so much fun in her class I can see a HUGE
difference with Audree this year... ThanXs to her caring teacher that really I can see is on the same page as Audree... and truely understands her Free Spirited self..

Audree & Her Head Piece
I wanted to add something to her costume
that would really pop
and well this is what I came up with
Every Princess needs a Crown right ? Right

Just Some different poses.... Our Girls LoVe HaLLoWeen I guess you can say they got an imagination and you got to have a OPEN Imagination to LoVe HaLLoWeen Which I am proud to say I still do... I LoVe everything about HaLLoWeeN....
LoVe this Shot of Audree....

She isnt Scary She is Beautiful...................
Lillee May with her Head Piece for her Princess Vampirer Bat Costume.... She loved her hair piece and the earrings that we had made her... She was ready to get her costume on and go Trick or Treating that day...
She is getting so big and her imagination is so wide... she takes after her sister Audree... Very Open to playing and going along with the flow of what is happening around her... Rarely gets Board a Keeps Going and Going and Going...
Our sassy Cute Girl... that is For Sure.....
Ouf Goof Ball
Mom's First Attempt to making a Halloween Wreath Well I would have to say I did a Dang good job.... I LoVe to craft and just let creativity Flow...
What a Fantastic Way to Recycle your Used Liquar or Beer Bottles you turn them into these.... SPOOKY BOTTLES Candle Holders....I fell in love with these and will continue to make alot of them for gifts and to sell them next year... They were a hit this year and it was a fun way to use all the Halloween decorations that had gotten ruine or couldn't be used and I just happened to use them.... I have a bin I throw all my stuff in that I think I can use over and well that bin is paying off... I am excited to come up with more fun ideas for KraZed Design and Craft Night....

to the Weather outside
Erik Came up with a Plan
Do the Carving in our Garage

Pumpkin carving was going to be canceled until Erik said why don't we do it in our garage we can setup the long table in the garage borrow the Heat blower that our brother in law uses for work and have everyone over... It was a Hit & a Half Everyone had fun fun fun.... Then we had Bake Potatoes and Hot Chocolate...
Here is the whole gang in our garage.... We used a door from inside our house that we needed to replace for another table top... I said why don't we just use this door for another table... And well it worked perfect...More Room and More Fun for everyone... G&G Bock furnished all the pumpkins....
Erik and I were so Glade that we decided to not skip the carving due to the cold wet weather...
Our Mad Scientist at work creating there Pumpkin monsters.... He he he he We LoVe HallOween....
Lillee & Ivee Such Good buds Ivee is such a LoVer to everyone....She LoVes Halloween and was having a bawl in the garage listening to Halloween music Dancing and carving her pumpkin She wouldn't have anything to do with the guts... Maybe Next Year...
Somewhat of the Whole Gang....... Lillee Dancing around the garage singing Creepying Creepying creepying little black bat.....
I LoVe My Family and the way we just have so much fun doing whatever were doing together... Truely this is what A Family is all about...
Such AweSome Parents and Grandparents to us.... Were very lucky to have the relationship we do with these wonderful people.... ThanX you For everything YOu Two.....
Ivee MaryBeth went Potty in the Training Potty in the garage next thing I see Her pants were down Diaper off and well she was sitting on the potty that was put out in the garage awaiting ever so patientally for Ivee... than the Potty will be BYE BYE....
We had a million seeds in the garage and were totally excited to be putting those seeds away for next year when we plant our pumpkin patch in our backyard... Continue on with Halloween NIGHT NEXT TIME....

& Blogging is out a Whack.....
Still just trying to get a hang of this
for those who like to read our family blog
I don't know if people even read our blog
But if there is some of you out there
Enjoy the Crazy Ride that
We go on
and don't forget to
Leave a Comment or two
and if by some chance No one reads it
Than Hey I got a Head start on my journaling for Scrapbooking