Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Nightly plans got cut short when My Body tensed up and my blood pressure shot high 138/70 This is way high for me considering I am in the low 90's and Well I didnt even clean up scrapbook stuff at my moms.... Plus it was a good thing I am home took pills and rubbed down girls with VICKS and Hubby... Got girls situated Audree Cough and Cold medicine...and all in bed well Audree was in bed and Ivee... Good Man... and Got lillee in bed... I LoVe my Mom and had a good time just hanging out and scrapbooking and just being with her... She is Truely the Best... Got a Suprise Texts and looking forward to scrapbooking with her... Cant Wait.... I am so blessed to be able to have my children have grandparents... I never had grandparents and yes I see what I missed out but I couldn't ask for more... Having a grandparent/grandparents around is amazing part of ones life... exspecially a childs... it allows them to see how they raised their mom or dad and to see their grandma & poppa or whatever you call them unconditional love... I thank Ra everyday that My parents take the time out for each of my kids... I am blessed that I have their helping hand in whatever I need from them... My Mom can just hear it in my voice and she says well I got alot to do and than she says bring one over... I couldn't express how Grateful and thankful I am to have them. The kids adore going over there and their little adventures out... My parents have done it the right way... When I am with the kids they have taught them that being with grandma or poppa is a treat and they can buy little things from the store... but being with mom is a we get in and we get out... I am thankful for all those that love and cherrish our kiddos... They truely our blessed with everyone... Even if you only get to see them once in a while... They feel the endless love from all... and will continue... Ok Ok my pills our kicking in gotta go brush my teeth and hit the snooze button and get some shut eye... Morning comes pretty quick in our house... IT is like I shut my eyes and bam I am wide awake and moring time is among us... IT is like cinderella... I hear YOU I hear YOU.... Get up you say time to start another day... EVEN THE CLOCK ORDERS ME AROUND... Girls our really into Cinderella 1 and 2 and 3....

Monday, February 6, 2012

~Stability~ Structure ~ LoVe ~ Understanding ~ Self Worth~

Audree ~ She has grown up so much lately... She is mature for her age... She has an imagination that I cant describe if you have seen Anne of Green Gables than you know what I am talking about just not the red hair on top... Audree loves to play LPS and Barbies I am going to get her a camcorder so she can set it up on a tripod and record it while she is playing it... I was listening and watching her play the other day and was wow... Her Dad and I decided on getting her one so she can record... We our working on getting her last name changed and getting her adopted but it looks like were going to have to get attorney and so forth to do so... We went to the state to see what we needed to do... and also got a hold of John about it... and it seems like he doesn't want to give up her... He hasn't seen her since we went to Lexi grave site after the whole of everything... and they just happen to be there... and the way he hug her if you can even call it that... Needless to say it is what it is... and we will see what the future has and let the state handle this situation that is at hand... Due to what happened last year I want to be prepared if anything would happen to us and the custody of our family... Stability is the key here... Audree cant wait to turn 10 than if this is carrying on she can go to the judge and let him know what she wants... Now that the state is involved with this whole situations the information will be from the Date of the Divorce and before. The attorney said we got a good case at hand... So here's crossing our fingers for the sake of her and our family and our stability. Audree called Ohma the other day and they our setting up a Lunch/Shop Date with her... Audree wants to have a relationship with Ohma and Poppie but she says she doesn't even know John... and he doesnt know her so she said Ohma and Poppie have tryed and their very busy... and if there busy than Audree will make time for them to see her if they want to... I told Audree that they want to see her but it is tuff and our timing is well it just clashes with our schedule... Now some that read this blog will be disgusted at some of the things that I posted on here... But this is just what is going on with us and Audree right now....Audree has come along way and has broken down her barrier of liking and loving and allowing people in her life. When she shuts herself away... I make sure I get her out... Her life has not been the easiest since she was just a little fetus.... I had many of miscarriages and the circumstance of John and Em breaking up on and off relationship cause he wanted to do his thing and I wanted to do mine. First time I heard her heart beat and had an ultra sound they said that Little Audree wouldn't make it cause the sack was bigger and didn't look like the fetus was growing... But I didn't listen and I told myself I would carry this little Honey Comb and bring into this world and take care of it with everything I have... I went to the appts alone and had no one to be there with me... My Honey Comb Know as Audree.... Made me feel like I would have what I have always wanted a Family of My own.... One little Two Little Babies of my own... I was determined and I took care of myself and my little Baby in my Belly... John was off and wasn't in the picture... He found out that he was having a Girl...I was a kindergarten teacher and loved every sec of it... so that kept me busy... The first time I felt little Audree move.... Took my breath away... After Audree was born John and I was on and off again for 6 years straight off and on oh John's with another girl and yada yada yada...and we were still married... So I put that at an end...Audree had her first Major surgery No sign of any of Rasmussen family... Audree is a very smart and bright girl... She see what she see's and that is about that... Her school is aware of her feelings and her progression... Their has been alot that has gone on in Audree's life Most people blame Me for her and not being apart of her life... Yes it could be but it is for her own sanity... No one deserves to wonder everyday or holiday or birthday if someone is going to contact her from the other side of the family. Audree was devastated when Lexi passed away even before Lexi she was sadden by Poppie Mark passing...I have seen Audree Suffer.... I have seen Audree Sick.... I have taken care of her and loved her unconditionally... I have taken the time out for Audree to let her know that she does it thought about from the other side... and she has come to the conclusion that if they want to have a life with her... Well they know where to find her... She is Beautiful.... Smart..... and deserves to choose to have her family's last name... So were a Whole and not Well ~Audree Rasmussen~ ~Lillee Bock~ Ivee Thomas~ Brooke Thomas~ Erik Thomas ~ Emillee Thomas ~ Cause we have agreed as a Family that Erik will not adopt Lillee until we have them both... It isnt Erik & I chose it is Audree Kamille's She knows who she is and where she belongs.