Thursday, August 16, 2012

Adoption Hearing

This was a Long Road that had it twist and turns and finally we made it to the Goal
We turned all the papers in last 2 wks ago and I recieved a phone call the following week
to schedul our hearing date... It is schedule for August 17th 2012 we didn't know that
we would get a hearing that soon... We our overally blessed and couldn't ask for more.

Lillee and Audree will have the same last name as well as there sisters... We all going to be
forever Thomas's... Lillee knows that her last name is going to be changed from Bock to Thomas
like her Daddy's... Audree is excited more than words can describe... She has been asking when
do we go to court... The girls had ventured with us to turn in the paper work so they have been
along the process too. Audree cant wait to go to school and not have to explain to them her last name
isnt Rasmussen but she perfers Thomas instead... Plus another plus not so Long... He he he... Audree
knows the situation we have given her the choice over and over again. We stated to her that she still
is going to be apart of Rasmussen's life...If she chooses to... It is all up to her.... She said she has a speach
all prepared for the judge... I said really like what... I choose Daddy Erik.... he cares for me and loves me
like no other has except my mom and Pappa & Grandma Bock and Ohma and poppie... She has grown up so much all the girls have... They teach me each day to take it easy and they keep me on my toes... Oh but they do...I am grateful that I was able to do the research and get the papers that we needed for John to sign
and for us to turn into the court house... It was stated to me several times that our lawyer should be doing this....  I was so proud to stand up and say I am representing my girls in this case... I aslo got complimented on how well I was organized and how I had all the papers together...also by the ORS & DCFS & BCI most of the time they were kind.... and than when others stuck their nose into our business where it wasn't needed she got put in her place by one of the workers... I will never forget that day when I went into DCFS new building and this lady that wasn't even involved was you need to have your lawyer do this... Yada Yada yada to the front desk lady... and than I called the lady that I had talked to prior sweet old lady came out and said ok Here is what I need you two fill out and will send the back ground checks in the mail...So what would of cost over $2,000.00 dollars didn't... There has been alot of support and love throughout the years to come to this blessed day.... ThanX You Ra.... There will be alot of people in the court room tomorrow... to witness this Till the End of Time Family to be Forever in the Laws of the land.  I will post pictures later and know in my heart and everyone heart that this is the final puzzle piece to complete US...

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