Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lillee May Thomas

 Lillee's First Day of Kindergarten She did So AweSome....
Wasnt afraid she was so ready to go to school... She woke up with Audree in the morning the time Audree needs to get up to get ready for school breakfast and so forth...
I said Lillee you don't have to be up right now
She said IT's ok Mom I am excited for school and cant sleep
Ever since the first day of school started
she still to this day wakes up with Audree
We moved Lillee into Audree's Room
Now it is the both of their room
They love sharing a room together Lillee has slept like she did when she was a baby
She is the type of girl that likes to be around people and loves to share
and think of others.
Truly a kind spirit and doesn't like to be alone
So Audree had to get use to Lillee saying Mom and dad said time to turn off the T.V.
and go to bed and we still have to T.V. on...
It only took a couple of nights of Lillee getting out of bed and turning off the
T.V. and than Audree caught on.
Best Move for the Both of them.
We Moved Ivee into Lillee's Old Room
Yes another project I have to take on to paint her room to Ivee's Liking...
Lillee's First day was the best
I remember her being excited to finally get to stand by our tree outside and
get her first set of pictures taken for her first day of school like Audree her big sister always did...
She was having fun and was saying I am going to school I am going to school
We walked the long way the first day of school to talk to Lillee and to ease not her nerves but her Mommies....
We got to school and lillee was just taking it all in
Ivee was ready to go to school too
When the teacher came out Lillee knew who she was and was happy to see her
Prior to the kids going to kindergarten they have testing and visiting time with there teachers
Which I think is Fantastic Smart Idea they didn't do it with Audree
So Lillee did the testing and was ahead of the game
Teacher said Ok Class it is time to come on in
There was some kids still hovering over their parents but Lillee was determined
As she was walking up the ramp and about into the doors I said Hey Lillee High Five
She gave me a nice High Five and smiled and said See Ya Mom
 Our Girls Amaze Us Each and Everyday
 Lillee has a Kind Heart and really is very different from Audree....
I love the fact that the girls have all there own uniqueness about them
Lillee loves to be outside and to play with her sisters and her imagination is words cant describe
She has a sense like Audree that I loVe they don't need someone to teach them how to play they observe and learn them self... Lillee's favorite Movie and character is GODZILLA still to this day... LoVes Dinosaurs and Mothra...She loves to sing and play the lamp top.... I know at 5 yrs old I didn't know how to navagate the Internet or even play a computer...When she wants something she does it
 Sometimes I have to remind Lillee that is Ok to have Mommy & Daddy still help her
She wants to do it all by herself that is how she has been all her life.... I will never forget that day when me and her daddy was taking her up to her room for bed and at 6mnths old ... We layed her in her crib kissed her head good night and rubbed her sweet head and the next thing we heard Good Night... Now was an angel talking to us... It was our sweet Lillee... Or the time she was first born the nurse laid her on the bed facing the oppisite way of her parents and she well heard my voice and flipped right over... Lillee was my hardest labor even though it was only 15 and half hrs in the hospital bed No Movement Heart rate dropping Epideral wore off felt everything Mom couldn't breathe had to have oxygen mom's vitals not to good... and early... Dr. Barton was going to have to take me C Section... and I pleaded with him... Please can we wait and see what Lillee wants to do and Dr. said I will give it 1 Hr. or less depends on you and the safety of you both... Dr. Barton was the on call Dr. for Audree and he delivered Audree too... Fantastic Good Caring Dr. Well Lillee Came Natural All Around I got taken off the pit due to heart rate and mommy vitals...
 It was Hard to let Lillee go ... I was more nervous for her than she was she had to remind me that she would be right back home after school got out...Lillee has made tonz of friends... I walk her to school everyday and have a new little friend come up to lillee and give her a big hug...and they hold hands... She plays really well on the playground... She is a smart Cookie her teacher said sometimes she doesn't know it Lillee is bored cause she finishes her work so quietly and nicely...She is Our Lillee Monster and we love her to pieces... Ivee her sister doesn't like the fact everyone is in school at the big school and well she is at home getting home schooled by mommy...Lillee asked me the other day if we could wait on the sidelines and let her go in by herself... I was shocked and overwhelmed but I said Sure thing LoVe bug... As she was going in the door she turned and said Mom I forgot to give you this... and she came and gave me a High Five and said See Ya... A Mothers Moment Never to be forgotten...

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